Monday, 30 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: XI Justice


The Major Arcana Deck: Justice

Number XI

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single digit i.e. in this instance 11 = 1 + 1 = 2


Duality and balance (adding on another and balancing opposite force) - Mental and physical, masculine and feminine and positive and negative
Knowledge, communication, Negotiation, choice. action, reasoning, and wisdom
Contrast, Opposites


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Life lessons
Impartiality, reason, mercy, honesty, morality, integrity, courage, wisdom, dignity, authenticity
Justice, fairness, and equality - the spiritual laws of truth and cause and effect and order - balance (natural law)
Examination, obligation, accountability
Commitment and contracts, court case (positive legal outcomes)

Key Symbols

A crowned figure sitting between two pillars of Justice (represents decisions, reason, rationality, responsibility, objectivity, logic, and realism - level-headedness (to see what is true and fair and act in matters with balance, truth, and equality). The crown represents the highest faculty in the human and highest attainment of man in the spiritual evolution - a symbol of authority, command, and royalty. 
Sword (represents the element Air, intellect, mind, energy, and psychic decisiveness, the divine law of the universe and that which is true and just. The sword's double-edged sides represent the two sides to Justice (double-edged action), right thought, and right action. The sword in the right hand symbolises the necessity to act responsibly. The blade's cutting edge symbolises clearing - our ability to see through murkiness to clearly see the areas in our life that need examining for the best (self-examination even if uncomfortable). 
Scales of Justice (represents balance, equilibrium, and equality, the ability to weigh right and wrong. Symbolise that we get what we deserve regarding both help and punishment, in just the right amounts – not too little and not too much (perfect measure). The scales tipped more to one side (as shown in the card) means the need to take some form of corrective action – something is 'out of whack."

Main Colours

Yellow (represents the element of Air, which governs mental activity and stimulates the intellect and imagination. It symbolises creativity, skills, adaptiveness, commerce, and an intellectual approach or balance).
Red (the colour red is 'fiery" and represents the element of fire. It incites passion and acquisition or an intense desire of any sort, whether it is: eagerness, courage, energy, strength, health, wealth, or love).
Green (represents the element of earth. It symbolises nature, material gain, good fortune, fertility, renewal, and harmony). 
Blue (represents the element of water, a balanced spiritual understanding, and symbolises loyalty, successful enterprise, and expansion). 
Purple (symbolises sovereignty or royalty, dignity, wisdom, idealism, spirituality, and compassion).


"Whatever events occur in my life, I have a choice of how I respond; my choices determine my attitude. It is 'I' who controls my destiny. I am responsible for my actions. I take responsibility for how I live my life. I generate peace and harmony wherever I go."


Justice usually appears in a reading to let us know we should be doing something and are not. It is a 'call' to examine what we've done in the past, contemplate future actions, balance the equation, take responsibility, and be sure that we act with integrity – to remain as just and fair as possible in all matters. There is no hiding, no making excuses, and no procrastination. It reminds us to act with decency, equity, consideration, and to stay on course. Further, the Justice card represents clarity of vision, indicating self-understanding gained through the ability to see each situation to its clear conclusion (weighing the pros and cons). A formal and rational approach should also be adopted when handling legal matters ‘waiting in the wings’. Time-wise, Justice lets us know resolutions to issues are at hand. 

Justice prompts us to be lawful and fair to get the best results


As we are now halfway through the Major Arcana deck and Christmas is fast approaching, I appreciate many of us will be busy planning festivities and holidays. So, I feel this is the ideal time to take a short break until after the New Year.

Join me in 2021, when we recommence learning the Tarot Cards, continuing with The Hanged Man – XII.

Until then, have a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

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