Sunday, 2 August 2020

An Introduction to Numerology

The Principle Behind Numerology


Ancient History - dating back thousands of years

Numbers are mankind’s oldest symbols, fundamental to measurement and abstract ideas.  Numbers are more practical than words and are everywhere we look.

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, and philosopher who lived from 569-47B.C. is said by many to be the Father, the originator of much of what we call Numerology today.  Pythagoras believed the world to be built upon the power of numbers.  He based this on the broader concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in numbers that correspond to Universal Vibrations.  He reasoned that the entire universe could be expressed numerically, creating a transcendent system.

The Greek mathematician founded the first university and developed his theory of numbers.  These theories are the basis of all-natural law today and are also the foundation for the science of Numerology.  Pythagoras determined that everything progressed in predictable cycles, and assumed a relationship to the alphabet.

Therefore, all things, including names, words, birth dates, and birthplaces, can be reduced to numbers to determine the personalities and destinies of individuals.

In saying this, however, it is generally accepted that the actual origins of numerology predate Pythagoras as far back to the very old Hebrew Kabbala System.

In early Hebrew history, the interpretation of numbers was considered highly important.  Letters of the Hebrew alphabet was based on numbers, and this relationship was related to the cosmic forces.

In fact, the practice of Numerology can be found throughout many ancient civilizations playing a vital part in cultural beliefs, including Babylon, China, Egypt, India, Greece, and Rome.

Making a Comeback

In the 13th century, the German Kabbalists developed Gemantria, a mystic numerical interpretation of the Scriptures.

During the Middle Ages, a numerical theology also evolved from the teachings of Merkabah, a sect of Judaism.

But, it is not until the 19th century that Pythagoras’s way of thinking - numbers corresponded to energy patterns of vibrations, when scientific discoveries concerning light, magnetism, and electricity were being made that his theory starts to make a come-back and becomes the subject of renewed focus. 

And, it’s only at the turn of the twentieth century when the American woman, L. Dow Balliet, and several of her contemporaries published a few books that this old science came to life again and took shape - enter the modern phase of numerology.

Following, in the past 90 years as a wealth of literature has ‘hit the limelight’ the science of numerology has gained momentum and its popularity increased.  The more and more we come to understand it - its level of accuracy revealing itself, it continues to grow.



The Vibration and Expansion Merits of Numbers

Going back to Pythagoras, numbers and cycles suggest the idea of predictability - this being one of the basic attributes of Numerology, I believe I am safe when I say, as I have come to understand it, “Numerology is the study of the symbolism of numbers.  It attempts to describe the relative existence of everything in nature, based on the premise that all is reducible to numbers, and that all numbers follow the natural law of mathematical progression.  In simple terms, Numerology is the study of numbers with the interrelation of vibration”.

Thus, looking at things where they stand presently, Numerology is a science which appears to be ancient.  It is considered by many to be the most ancient and rather advanced science in the world. Putting it another way, Numerology can be said to be the study of the mysterious and hidden meaning of numbers and their relevance to our society and existence.

How Numerology Works - The Elementary Calculation

Everything in the universe vibrates at its particular frequency.  By finding the vibration rate of any object, you can establish the qualities and energies associated with it!

Numerology systems

As Numerological practices and beliefs have survived throughout the centuries down to the present day three major Systems have established themselves:  Pythagorean, Chinese, and Kabbala.  Of these, the most widely used is the Pythagorean which is the train of thought I will be following.

In the basic mathematical operation used in numerology, the numbers are reduced by simple addition. The number 15, for instance, is reduced by adding 1 + 5 to get 6. Similarly, the number 1974 can be reduced by adding 1 + 9 + 7 + 4 to get 21. The 21 can be further reduced by adding 2 + 1 to get 3.

Under the Pythagorean concept all numbers are reduced to the single digits 1 through 9 (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9), except what is referred to as special Master Numbers 11, 22 and 33 - representing major vibrations (as it is not essential to explain the meaning behind the master numbers at this time I will leave this to a later date).

Letters in individuals' names are converted to numbers and then added together.  These numbers, in turn, are also reduced.  The letter A, for instance, is 1; the letter B is 2; the letter C is 3, and so forth. The following table shows the numbers assigned to all 26 letters in the English alphabet.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In plain terms, by applying simple mathematical formulas to the numbers representing a person's name and birth date, a numerologist, proud to say am I, can derive five major core elements and some twenty or thirty rudiments relating to the make-up of a person on which they base their analysis.  Thus providing significant information on their personality, character, and much more.   

What the five core elements (aspects) and twenty-thirty fundamentals (connecting attributes) are I will cover at a later date when I take a closer look at the bones, significant parts of a Numerology Report.

Note: About half the information in the analysis, incidentally, comes from the birth date and half from the name.

So there you have it, a basic insight into the foundation of Numerology!

If anything, going by the responses, I have received from many of the numerology reports or readings, I have produced, there appears to be ‘a lot going for it’ -  “provides a remarkably complete and accurate analysis, fascinating insight and enlightening reading”

In my opinion …This could be why, Numerology is making a strong comeback, why there is a marked resurgence of interest in numerology taking place as we speak!

I am more than happy to vouch for it.  

Until next time

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