Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: IX The Hermit

The Major Arcana Deck: The Hermit

Number IX
The phase before moving on
Completion of a cycle
Foundation to begin a new cycle
Attainment and fulfilment

Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)



Card Meaning
Solitude, soul searching
Detachment, observation, self-reflection
Truth - inner guidance, philosopher
Pilgrimage - ascension

Key Symbols

Hermit (
seclusion for inner reflection) 
Lit Lantern (the light of perfect knowledge from intuition, illumination, self-discovery (in contact), the guiding light of inner wisdom - spiritual light of knowledge, hope, inspiration, enlightenment) 
Six Pointed Star (illumination by faith, state of perfection) 
Left hand holding the lantern (reinforces the connection to one’s intuition) 
Mountain stone-high (the quest for truth and ascent to a higher sphere of existence elevated intellect -achievements) 
White Beard (the wisdom of the ages) 
Wand - staff (direction, intensity and purification, guidance, authority) 
Hooded cloak/Cape (unknown, desire and discretion, alienation and withdrawal from the world to an advanced state of mind) 


 (intuition and perception, wisdom and justice, idealism, spirituality, and compassion,
integrity and sincerity, devotion, fairness, and impartiality)
Yellow/gold (‘cosmic mind’ - universal union, understanding, and intuitive abilities) 
White (balance, purity, truth, sincerity, the virtue of all kinds, the highest spirituality, and purity of motive)
Grey (stability and neutrality) 
Brown (earth – whole, serious, solid, steadfast, reliable, dependable and isolation, peace, health) 

Affirmation: I am chaste and virtuous. I dare to journey along unfamiliar paths to discover my inner voice and wisdom. The realms of my mind and spirit are more important than the pull of my senses.

"I will search for meaning and purpose in my life and daily activity. I will live quietly to create space for inner wisdom and explore unknown neglected parts of myself." 

The Hermit generally appears in a reading to indicate a time of introspection, contemplation. To gain wisdom through withdrawal and looking deep within our mind and spirit (the need for calm reflection and peace). It is a time of profound thought, discovering quite, looking inwards, and using thoughtfulness to discover answers for issues.

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