Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: X The Wheel


The Major Arcana Deck: The Wheel

Number X

Perfection – infinite potential
Recognition and understanding
Completed force - cycle, be it positive or negative


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Life Cycles
Hand of Destiny, fate, and fortune
Turning point
Two sides to fate

Key Symbols

Wheel/hand turning wheel (energy of circular motion in the cosmos, rotation, movement, revolution, cycle/s of existence, cause and effect of continual rhythm, the natural flow of energy - the ways of fate are a mystery - constant cycles. Note the hub of the wheel is the eternal self – our core nature remains the same)
People - King and Queen and person falling (cyclic action, evolution, and revolution - Highs and lows. Varying experiences i.e., one day being on top – balanced and the next falling, old ways of thinking must drop off)
Cloud (higher power at work. Universal mind – higher thought and messages - a revelation)
Crown/s (highest faculty in the human and highest attainment of man in the spiritual evolution) 
Cup (water, emotion, love, abundance, and enjoyment)

Main Colours

Blue (the element of water and a balanced spiritual understanding). Deep or royal (laughter, merriment, loyalty, successful enterprise, and expansion) 
Purple (sovereignty or royalty, dignity, wisdom, idealism, spirituality, and compassion) 
Red (the element of fire - passion and acquisition or an intense desire of any sort, whether it is: eagerness, courage, energy, strength, health, wealth, or love) 
Yellow (the element of Air mental activity and stimulates the intellect and imagination - creativity, skills, adaptiveness, commerce, and an intellectual approach or balance) 
White (balance, purity, truth, sincerity, the virtue of all kinds, the highest spirituality, and purity of motive.)


 “I am stability, adaption, and opportunity of motion. I apply constant effort courageously on expanding the direction of my desire”. "I am change, the active hand, in the continuing cycle of beginnings and endings through which life evolves (evolution and revolution) ."


The Wheel generally appears in a reading to indicate a significant turning point in life. It signifies not to stand still and accept what life hands us. There is a need to remain on the upside of the wheel - take an active hand and make moves (i.e., work actively to speed up, improve any situation – the recovery process).

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