Monday, 9 November 2020

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel - Birth Chart (Part Two)




Previously under the Basic Structure of the Natal Wheel (Part I), The Core Aspects in Astrology,
adopting the Horoscope Natal Wheel example below, we looked at The Horizon Line, Midheaven Point, and Hemispheres Aspects.

Astrology's strong point is its ability to uncover areas where cosmic energies support a myriad of possibilities. Keeping this in mind, to continue, I now centre this discussion around the Astrology Houses Aspects.

Commencing this week, I will be running a series of short weekly articles on the individual Horoscope Houses, two at a time, focusing on what they denote – the underlying interpretation tone they exemplify.


The Houses shows WHERE

The horoscope houses are closer to the earth plane experience and usually refer to the more material or tangible experience. Hence they represent experiences actualised through the material realm.

The Houses show us an arena of life where we will experience a particular urge and expression style.

So, through knowledge of the houses, what they signify, it is possible to understand our approach to many areas of our lives and contribute insight into our life patterns and potentials.

The Natal Wheel consists of 12 houses, as seen within the Circle above, the centre circle, numbered 1-12 (running from left to right). 

A House is associated with an area of our life (i.e., romance, family, and or work), as shown hereunder.

What the Houses of the Horoscope Denote – their underlying interpretation tone


The first house denotes the physical plane of experience that deals with the totality of us. It represents our physical body and our general make-up

It is a very significant house in that it deals with what others pick up about us; that all-important first impression. It represents some of our very early childhood experiences that shaped our self-image and our outlook on life.

This house corresponds to the Astrological Sign Aries; any planets in this house will have some Aries' underlying flair.

Additionally, aligned to the Planet Mars, the first house also characterises our aggression, motivation, survival approaches, and self-interest.


The second house is about the physical plane of existence regarding what we have in the material sense. Money, the money we earn, debts, and our possessions, especially those we value highly.

It also represents our value system in general and our personal feelings of self-worth. In other words, what we can allow our-self to have, based on what we feel we deserve.

Linked to Taurus, any planets in the second house will have some underlying flair of Taurus.

Aligned to Venus, the second house, also characterises our personal likes or dislikes, deep emotions, and attachments.

Sign in next week to join me when I talk about the Third and Fourth Houses.

Until then, have a great week.

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