Monday, 30 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: XI Justice


The Major Arcana Deck: Justice

Number XI

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single digit i.e. in this instance 11 = 1 + 1 = 2


Duality and balance (adding on another and balancing opposite force) - Mental and physical, masculine and feminine and positive and negative
Knowledge, communication, Negotiation, choice. action, reasoning, and wisdom
Contrast, Opposites


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Life lessons
Impartiality, reason, mercy, honesty, morality, integrity, courage, wisdom, dignity, authenticity
Justice, fairness, and equality - the spiritual laws of truth and cause and effect and order - balance (natural law)
Examination, obligation, accountability
Commitment and contracts, court case (positive legal outcomes)

Thursday, 26 November 2020

News Review (Editor's Choice) Discovery Magazine and Smithsonian Magazine


An Important Leader In World History

When we think of history changers, leaders who left their permanent mark, for many Ghengis Khan, would be up there with some greats such as Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ, Plato, Augustus Ceasar, and Aristotle, and Mahatma Gandhi.

Known as the first great Khan, renowned for uniting many Northeast Asia nomadic tribes and launching the Mongol invasions that conquered most of Eurasia (as far west as Poland and the Middle East), he created the largest empire in history.

Paying Tribute and Acknowledging A Momentous Time In History

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: X The Wheel


The Major Arcana Deck: The Wheel

Number X

Perfection – infinite potential
Recognition and understanding
Completed force - cycle, be it positive or negative


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Life Cycles
Hand of Destiny, fate, and fortune
Turning point
Two sides to fate

Monday, 23 November 2020

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel - Birth Chart (Part Two)



Credit:  Natal Chart--Adam.jpg

The Core Aspects in Astrology


As previously discussed, The Horoscope Houses show WHERE. The arena of life where we will experience a particular urge and expression style (shown below).

From looking at the houses and what they represent, we can understand our approach to many areas of our lives and gather insight into our life patterns and potentials.


Credit:  Pinterest, Bobbie Jo Drake (

A summary of the Houses so far:

Thursday, 19 November 2020

News Review (Editor's Choice) Documentary - Netflix


From Australia to the UK, USA and around the World

Credit By SeaChangeProject - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

The Underwater Chameleon – a great introduction to Octopuses (Cephalopods)

Did You Know?

The Octopus:

Can within a split second change colour and texture
The Coconut Octopus hides it’s a coconut shell that it carries around 
Possesses nine brains 
Has three hearts 
Has Blue Blood running through its veins 
Both male and female die soon after mating

My Octopus Teacher

(Netflix – Documentary Emmy nominee Craig Foster) 

Educational, moving, heart-wrenching, and an incredible watch

A unique glimpse into the extraordinary inner life of the octopus mind - Live underwater filming of an amazing friendship and bond between a human and wild animal.

Sunday, 15 November 2020

The Volcano - Part One


The other side of Nature – A Destructive Force

A Natural Disaster Enigma

I don't know about you, but Volcanoes intrigue me yet at the same time can send a shiver down my spine (the paradox of these beasts). You only have to hear the word Pompei to grasp the level of their power, the destruction of an entire city, and other horrifying stories.

We can't control them and we are at their mercy. But when they are quiet, we want to climb them, be thrilled by their bizarre striking features, and quench our desire to know more about them (ignoring the hidden, unpredictable danger they hold within).

For Millennia's they have played havoc with humanity. Causing hundreds of thousands of deaths, they have obliterated villages, dwellings, buildings, and other human-made establishments.

Yet many of us still go back for more, visiting them time and time again. We continue to restore or build new villages underneath these ominous mountains.

Volcanos taunt us as they can choose to sit dormant for thousands of years, and then without warning, they teach us a lesson about complacency; they suddenly erupt, as they shed havoc and destruction in their path. Almost as if they are laughing, they destroy entire forests and encourage other disasters to join them. Tsunamis, earthquakes, avalanches, and flash floods follow gladly in their footsteps. And if that's not enough, they often get the last laugh, add 'salt to the wound' ejecting suffocating ash sometimes thick enough to strangle plant life, animals, and humans – a terrible death.

So what is it that lures us to defy our sense of safety that is so important to us?

As is the case so often, my curiosity got the better of me. So I decided to explore Volcanoes' world (from a distance, of course) to understand a little more about these ominous hills of nature born from the depths of our planet. 

Friday, 13 November 2020

News Review (Editor's Choice) National Geographic Magazine, Smithsonian Magazine and BBC News



An unknown frontier, full of mystery and wonder space travel has captured our imagination and never left our sight for decades. 

Science continues to cling to dreams of finding another planet capable of sustaining human life. 

Recently we celebrated man’s first walk on the Moon, fifty years ago, and the seductive temptress is luring us again.

As a new Era begins, follow Mankind’s endeavours to the Moon, from the beginning to what the future may hold.

Keeping us up to Date

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: IX The Hermit

The Major Arcana Deck: The Hermit

Number IX
The phase before moving on
Completion of a cycle
Foundation to begin a new cycle
Attainment and fulfilment

Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)



Card Meaning
Solitude, soul searching
Detachment, observation, self-reflection
Truth - inner guidance, philosopher
Pilgrimage - ascension

Key Symbols

Hermit (
seclusion for inner reflection) 
Lit Lantern (the light of perfect knowledge from intuition, illumination, self-discovery (in contact), the guiding light of inner wisdom - spiritual light of knowledge, hope, inspiration, enlightenment) 
Six Pointed Star (illumination by faith, state of perfection) 
Left hand holding the lantern (reinforces the connection to one’s intuition) 
Mountain stone-high (the quest for truth and ascent to a higher sphere of existence elevated intellect -achievements) 
White Beard (the wisdom of the ages) 
Wand - staff (direction, intensity and purification, guidance, authority) 
Hooded cloak/Cape (unknown, desire and discretion, alienation and withdrawal from the world to an advanced state of mind) 


 (intuition and perception, wisdom and justice, idealism, spirituality, and compassion,
integrity and sincerity, devotion, fairness, and impartiality)
Yellow/gold (‘cosmic mind’ - universal union, understanding, and intuitive abilities) 
White (balance, purity, truth, sincerity, the virtue of all kinds, the highest spirituality, and purity of motive)
Grey (stability and neutrality) 
Brown (earth – whole, serious, solid, steadfast, reliable, dependable and isolation, peace, health) 

Affirmation: I am chaste and virtuous. I dare to journey along unfamiliar paths to discover my inner voice and wisdom. The realms of my mind and spirit are more important than the pull of my senses.

"I will search for meaning and purpose in my life and daily activity. I will live quietly to create space for inner wisdom and explore unknown neglected parts of myself." 

The Hermit generally appears in a reading to indicate a time of introspection, contemplation. To gain wisdom through withdrawal and looking deep within our mind and spirit (the need for calm reflection and peace). It is a time of profound thought, discovering quite, looking inwards, and using thoughtfulness to discover answers for issues.

Monday, 9 November 2020

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel - Birth Chart (Part Two)




Previously under the Basic Structure of the Natal Wheel (Part I), The Core Aspects in Astrology,
adopting the Horoscope Natal Wheel example below, we looked at The Horizon Line, Midheaven Point, and Hemispheres Aspects.

Astrology's strong point is its ability to uncover areas where cosmic energies support a myriad of possibilities. Keeping this in mind, to continue, I now centre this discussion around the Astrology Houses Aspects.

Commencing this week, I will be running a series of short weekly articles on the individual Horoscope Houses, two at a time, focusing on what they denote – the underlying interpretation tone they exemplify.

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Poem of the Week

A Truly Inspirational Poem

Inspiring, Powerful, and Lovely

Imagine the world's difference if we but lived this simple truth – we are people, more alike than we are different.

Dr. Maya Angelou - Marguerite Annie Johnson Angelou
April 4, 1928, to May 28, 2014

Poet, Author, Historian, Playwriter, Songwriter, Stage, Screen and Public Television (Programs) Producer, Director, Singer, Actress, Dancer and Civil Rights Activist

Please enjoy this beautiful poem.

Thursday, 5 November 2020

News Review (Editor's Choice) Smithsonian Magazine


Scientists May Have Identified a Previously Unknown Spit-Producing Organ in Our Heads

In addition to the newly discovered pair of glands, the human body has three more large sets and about 1,000 glands scattered throughout the mouth and throat. (Public domain via Wikimedia Commons).

We have been exploring the human body for centuries, searching for answers and cures for diseases that continue to plague mankind.

Through dedication and incredible research, no matter how many years pass, the field of medicine continues to make new discoveries.


Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel (Birth Chart) - Part One

In my first article on Astrology' A Suggestive Enquiry into Astrology' (back in July), to provide a solid grounding on Astrology's background, we discussed Astrology' A Controversial Subject' - its Roots, Origin, and History.

Today we look at the Horoscope The Natal Wheel - Birth Chart, the foundation for a Personal Astrology Reading.

We will examine the Basic Structure of the Wheel, The Core Aspects, as understood in Astrology. Broken down into four  parts, shown below, I will discuss the Core Aspects over a series of weekly articles.

Part One       Introduction: What is a Horoscope Natal Wheel?
                      The Horizon Line, Midheaven Point, and Hemispheres Aspects

Part Two       The Astrology Houses  

Part Three    The Planet Aspects

Part Four      The Astrological Signs

So let's begin. What is a Horoscope Natal Wheel?

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