Monday, 18 January 2021

Learning the Tarot Cards: XIII – Death


The Major Arcana Deck: Death

Number XIII

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single-digit i.e. in this instance 13 = 1 + 3 = 4)


Logic, reason, spirit, truth
Choice - acceptance and expression
Measurement and grounding - foundation, structure, order, convention, calm authority, simplicity, stability, endurance


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Transformation - transition
Silence and retreat - renewal
Creation - life-changing events
Release - new beginnings
Endings - new cycles (new starts), new life emerging from old, letting go and moving on
Blessings in disguise

Key Symbols

Bird truth, art and the higher consciousness, ascension, freedom
Cloak alienation and withdrawal from society and the world to an advanced state of mind
Rose that which has been cultivated to grow to its most perfect state and desire. White purity, innocence, immortality and freedom of the soul, beauty. Thorns the promise of new hope, we may have to endure a few painful trials along the way. Such is the way of life
Tree/s life itself, the evolution of experience and awareness
Water formless experience-emotion, dissolution of the ego, release and cleansing. Red struggles/trials ahead that must be overcome
Scythe cutting the old to make way for the new, and thus the cycle of life repeats itself. In this case meaning cutting down worldly illusions - not an end, but the beginning of a cycle (opening the door to the realm of the real and invisible reality)
Sun (background) life and growth - in this instance, it reflects an ending and new beginning - the sun will rise again for tomorrow is another day 
Skeleton (skull) that which survives death - the death of the unwanted. Human immortality - change and transition 

Main Colours

Black symbolises force, formality, dignity, stability and convention
Blue represents the element of water and a balanced spiritual understanding. Light: This is the colour that represents devotion and inspiration. It symbolises peace and blessings, immortality, tranquillity and innocence
Gold symbolises the “cosmic mind,” universal union, great fortune, understanding and intuitive abilities
Purple symbolises sovereignty or royalty, dignity, wisdom, idealism, spirituality, devotion and compassion
Red is ‘fiery” and represents the element of fire, primal urges, vibrance and action. It incites passion and acquisition or an intense desire of any sort, whether it is: eagerness, courage, energy, strength, health, wealth or love
Green represents the element of earth. It symbolises nature, material gain (good fortune), fertility, renewal, growth, health and harmony
White symbolises balance, purity, truth, sincerity, the virtue of all kinds, the highest spirituality and purity of motive


“All change is good. It is the natural order of things. Change is creative freedom. In everything that emerges, there is potential. I wholly embrace change. I am the reaper (harvester). I am growing and transforming; it is necessary and inevitable. I can make decisive changes. I accept the ending of a phase of my life, let go of old ways and gladly enter a new cycle. I understand I need to discard (shed) what is no longer useful, to make space for the new to come in - I cut down to the bones of myself to recognise what is fundamental and go with the flow of change.”


Death usually appears in a reading to let us know that life changes always; things will not be the same again. It speaks of a significant conclusion in an area of our lives. Our old way of life is no longer useful to us (outmoded). There is a need for a clean break. Indicative of transformation is taking place. We are growing and changing with the circumstances we find ourselves in (the ending of an old situation and the beginning of some new period). 

Death is the Universe’s way of letting us know that something has to come to an end, to let go of the past and put it behind us. To finish all that is outdated and false and harvest that which is ripe and worthy – moving on to better things in life to be happy.

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