Monday, 4 January 2021

Learning the Tarot Cards: XII – The Hanged Man


The Major Arcana Deck: The Hanged Man

Number XII  

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single digit i.e. in this instance 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)


The object of creation (fruit of knowledge – following a higher calling)
The union of two parts to create a unique whole – incorporating duality 
Ascension - the birthing of true wisdom
Finding the right mix – growth and harmony (new perspective and balance)
Energy – to loosen the mind Advantage


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Spiritual Justice - insight and wisdom
Renewal, rebirth
Inner peace
Beginning and reasoning
Sacrifice for a higher cause
Reflection - Letting go, surrender, retreat, transition, growth and harmony
Waiting - temporary suspension of activity
Bright ideas

Key Symbols

Shoes - Yellow (represents dependency on the physical earth) 
Red pants (represents passion, and the physical body) 
Stick/Rod/Tree (symbolises  the meeting place between earth and sky, life itself, the evolution of experience and awareness) 
Scene – A Hanged fellow with no sign of struggle (represents voluntary surrender - serenity, calm and assurance) 
Ropes - Binding (symbolises confinement - be calm, take time slowly to unravel the knots to be free) 
Cloud (represents Universal mind – higher thoughts and messages from the divine and revelation) 
Head -Yellow Hair/Halo (represents  divinity, awareness, enlightenment- new insight – higher awareness, compassion, wisdom) 
Triangle body posture - Legs (represents higher awareness and cross roads, take no action, be calm and still, yield to the situation answers will come) 
Blue Tunic (represents knowledge) 

Main Colours

Yellow (represents the element of Air, which governs mental activity and stimulates the intellect and imagination. It symbolises creativity, skills, adaptiveness, commerce and an intellectual approach or balance) 
Red - The colour red is ‘fiery” (represents the element of fire - vitality and strength. It incites passion and acquisition or an intense desire of any sort, whether it is: eagerness, courage, energy, strength, health, wealth or love) 
Blue/Light  (blue represents the element of water, a balanced spiritual understanding and symbolises wisdom, truth, confidence, faith, loyalty, successful enterprise, expansion) 
Purple (symbolises sovereignty or royalty, dignity, wisdom, idealism, spirituality and compassion) 
Brown (represents the material plane)


“I dare to let go - I am free to choose when to give something up to serve a higher purpose. I have learned the art of sacrifice and surrender. I accept the things I cannot change and open up to the possibility that the Universe has something better in store for me. I am a new way of looking at things. My focus has shifted, my values turned, and I can keep balance because I have the patience to wait until I have the wisdom to know what to do and when to act."


The Hanged Man usually appears in a Tarot reading to let us know projects and activities may be coming to an unexpected and abrupt halt. You may be feeling stuck or restricted in your life. It is not the moment to keep pushing forward. Instead, surrender, pause and view this as your chance to re-evaluate where you are on your path. Something new is emerging, and you won’t be able to see it unless you allow the time and space for it to come through. It's a time of letting go, breaking old patterns and using time wisely - a time to examine beliefs and interpret the grounds for feelings (not earthly bound). Take time away from your routine to connect with a new way of thinking and seeing. It is necessary to refuse some benefits and material things and wait. Sacrifice is the key, and it is required to progress further. The Hanged Man reflects a transcending perspective 

The Hanged Man is the Universe’s way of aiding us to see new perspectives.  A time to suspend specific action (postponement) - more time and reflection are needed to make the best decision. 

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