Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Learn About Crystals - 'Power Beings'


Druze (Credit: Image by Jakob StrauB from Pixabay)


AN INTRODUCTION - continuation


Previously, A Backdrop - A Rich History, and Interesting Points About Crystals.

In this article, we look at Crystal Creation; How Do Crystals Work? And Crystal Purpose.

Crystal Creation

Crystals aren’t just rocks and minerals

What distinguishes and defines a Crystal-Gem?

Crystals are incredibly well-organised molecular structures. Scientifically, they are the most orderly structure that exists in nature.

Born of fluid, heat and pressure, not forgetting over time crystals are forged underground, where forces have been meticulously working away for billions of years.

A crystal’s material constituents atoms, molecules arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions.

In other words, Crystals are minerals formed underground, deep within the Earth’s crust, from three-dimensional repeating patterns of atoms. They can take over thousands of years to develop and form. Their appearance depends upon the natural characteristics of its type and the conditions in which it grows. They come in a variety of different types. Some take on strange shapes; some are very small while others grow very large, and colours are all unique in their way.

Are Crystals living - debatable? However, parts of a crystal can break off during its growth process to become a new growing crystal - showing that they can reproduce through a form of energy nourishment from ‘Mother Earth.’

Lechuguilla Cave Pearlsian Gulf. Dave Bunnell CC BT SA2.5 16 June 2018 
(Credit: en.wikipedia.org)

How Do Crystals Work?

Harnessing the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans' energy, crystals are created over the millennia and harness the Earth's life-giving elements and the universe.

Timeless database of knowledge, all the information Crystals are exposed to they absorb and retain.

Energies and Vibration - Programming crystals

Because of the way Crystals are structured, they respond to the inputs of all the different energies around them. So they oscillate, emitting specific vibratory frequencies.

While we can’t see it with our eyes, physics now understand, all physical matter - the human body and including crystals, is made up of vibrating particles naturally arranged into different, geometrical molecular structures. Albert Einstein is said to believe that everything in life is vibration.

One of the first and vital pieces of scientific evidence relating to crystals' power was the work published by IBM scientist Marcel Vogel. While viewing crystals grow under a microscope, he noticed that their shape took the form of whatever he was thinking. He theorised these vibrations as the result of the constant assembling and disassembling of bonds between molecules. Also, he examined the fundamental principles, power of Clear Quartz (metaphysics) and proved that rocks store thoughts akin to how tapes use magnetic energy to record sound.

Amethyst (Credit: Image by Thanks for your Like from Pixabay)

So, crystals repeating chemical structures are said to invest with a kind of memory, which means they can hold energies due to their structure and composition. Crystals emit vibrations at a constant frequency, meaning that their vibrations do not change. But, when a crystal comes into contact with a lower vibration, it raises the vibration of that thing (or person) to match its own - it attunes whatever it comes into contact with to its higher frequency. Therefore, crystals are capable of working with our intentions. Holding strong and positive energy, they amplify and magnify our intention's energy and help us move beyond mental, physical, and spiritual blockages. Such phenomenon explains why we find when we hold crystals, a transfer of energy occurs, frequencies in our body change, and programming a crystal is possible - for example holding an Amethyst crystal and intending to fill it with healing.

When we are holding a crystal, we are holding “the forces that shape our planet". Crystals out of all matter are the most stable of all.

The fact that Earth produces crystals, Earth’s energy is within them, is a testament in itself that they are an intrinsic part of our environment.


Essential to modern technology - crystals are invaluable to humankind's progression because of how they are balanced, the frequencies they emit, and their ability to store a tremendous amount of information.

Crystals as flowers that bloom out of the Earth’s reserves

Crystal Green Beads (Credit: by ajudy44 from Pixabay)


Crystal Purpose - Numerous Applications


The use of crystals depends on what we want to achieve, our objective. Today it is not uncommon to find crystals used, for various purposes, in the following fields:

Health and Healing - emotion, physical and mental/spiritual 

Pleasure and home - adornment 

Spiritual - mediation and manifestation, 

Dowsing - detection

Religion - charms to attract positive and against unfavorable energy inc. electromagnetic)

Science and Technology - power sources and parts 

Coming next, Choosing A Crystal, Crystal Shapes and Crystal Protocol (Cleansing and Programing). 

Don’t forget to stay tuned. 

In the meantime, best wishes.

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