Tuesday, 26 January 2021

Learn About Crystals - 'Power Beings'


Druze (Credit: Image by Jakob StrauB from Pixabay)


AN INTRODUCTION - continuation


Previously, A Backdrop - A Rich History, and Interesting Points About Crystals.

In this article, we look at Crystal Creation; How Do Crystals Work? And Crystal Purpose.

Crystal Creation

Crystals aren’t just rocks and minerals

What distinguishes and defines a Crystal-Gem?

Crystals are incredibly well-organised molecular structures. Scientifically, they are the most orderly structure that exists in nature.

Born of fluid, heat and pressure, not forgetting over time crystals are forged underground, where forces have been meticulously working away for billions of years.

A crystal’s material constituents atoms, molecules arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure, forming a crystal lattice that extends in all directions.

In other words, Crystals are minerals formed underground, deep within the Earth’s crust, from three-dimensional repeating patterns of atoms. They can take over thousands of years to develop and form. Their appearance depends upon the natural characteristics of its type and the conditions in which it grows. They come in a variety of different types. Some take on strange shapes; some are very small while others grow very large, and colours are all unique in their way.

Are Crystals living - debatable? However, parts of a crystal can break off during its growth process to become a new growing crystal - showing that they can reproduce through a form of energy nourishment from ‘Mother Earth.’

Lechuguilla Cave Pearlsian Gulf. Dave Bunnell CC BT SA2.5 16 June 2018 
(Credit: en.wikipedia.org)

How Do Crystals Work?

Harnessing the Sun, the Moon, and the oceans' energy, crystals are created over the millennia and harness the Earth's life-giving elements and the universe.

Timeless database of knowledge, all the information Crystals are exposed to they absorb and retain.

Energies and Vibration - Programming crystals

Because of the way Crystals are structured, they respond to the inputs of all the different energies around them. So they oscillate, emitting specific vibratory frequencies.

While we can’t see it with our eyes, physics now understand, all physical matter - the human body and including crystals, is made up of vibrating particles naturally arranged into different, geometrical molecular structures. Albert Einstein is said to believe that everything in life is vibration.

One of the first and vital pieces of scientific evidence relating to crystals' power was the work published by IBM scientist Marcel Vogel. While viewing crystals grow under a microscope, he noticed that their shape took the form of whatever he was thinking. He theorised these vibrations as the result of the constant assembling and disassembling of bonds between molecules. Also, he examined the fundamental principles, power of Clear Quartz (metaphysics) and proved that rocks store thoughts akin to how tapes use magnetic energy to record sound.

Amethyst (Credit: Image by Thanks for your Like from Pixabay)

So, crystals repeating chemical structures are said to invest with a kind of memory, which means they can hold energies due to their structure and composition. Crystals emit vibrations at a constant frequency, meaning that their vibrations do not change. But, when a crystal comes into contact with a lower vibration, it raises the vibration of that thing (or person) to match its own - it attunes whatever it comes into contact with to its higher frequency. Therefore, crystals are capable of working with our intentions. Holding strong and positive energy, they amplify and magnify our intention's energy and help us move beyond mental, physical, and spiritual blockages. Such phenomenon explains why we find when we hold crystals, a transfer of energy occurs, frequencies in our body change, and programming a crystal is possible - for example holding an Amethyst crystal and intending to fill it with healing.

When we are holding a crystal, we are holding “the forces that shape our planet". Crystals out of all matter are the most stable of all.

The fact that Earth produces crystals, Earth’s energy is within them, is a testament in itself that they are an intrinsic part of our environment.


Essential to modern technology - crystals are invaluable to humankind's progression because of how they are balanced, the frequencies they emit, and their ability to store a tremendous amount of information.

Crystals as flowers that bloom out of the Earth’s reserves

Crystal Green Beads (Credit: by ajudy44 from Pixabay)


Crystal Purpose - Numerous Applications


The use of crystals depends on what we want to achieve, our objective. Today it is not uncommon to find crystals used, for various purposes, in the following fields:

Health and Healing - emotion, physical and mental/spiritual 

Pleasure and home - adornment 

Spiritual - mediation and manifestation, 

Dowsing - detection

Religion - charms to attract positive and against unfavorable energy inc. electromagnetic)

Science and Technology - power sources and parts 

Coming next, Choosing A Crystal, Crystal Shapes and Crystal Protocol (Cleansing and Programing). 

Don’t forget to stay tuned. 

In the meantime, best wishes.

Monday, 25 January 2021

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel - Birth Chart (Part Three)


Credit: Image by Ilian Kovandzhiev from Pixaby

In 2020, under the Basic Structure of the Horoscope Natal Wheel – Birth Chart (Part I), Core Aspects, we looked at The Horizon Line, Midheaven Point and Hemispheres. Under Part II, we then moved on to discuss the Twelve Houses Aspects.

Commencing this week, I will be running a series of short bi-weekly articles on the individual Planets, focusing on what they denote – the fundamental underlying interpretation tone they exemplify.

Astrology's strong point is its ability to uncover areas where cosmic energies support a myriad of possibilities. Keeping this in mind, to continue, we now centre our discussion around the Planet Aspects and their specific influences (what they represent).

Thursday, 21 January 2021

News Review (Editor’s Choice) – Archaeology, Natural History, Live Science, Life’s Little Mysteries



The Alphabet

The foundation of spoken language, the alphabet, is a human communication method (a set of letters in a static order used to represent the rudimentary set of speech sounds).

Hieroglyphs line the walls in a shrine to the goddess Hathor at Serabit el-Khadim. Credit: Courtesy Lydia Wilson

Tuesday, 19 January 2021

Discover - Culture & Travel (The Aztecs)


Ancient Aztec Calendar (Credit: Image by PublicdomainImages from Pixabay)


They Had It All and Lost It All!

Religious Fanatics
Extraordinary Engineers

Discover - A quick journey through the history books to learn about an incredible culture.

Revered, the Aztecs were a fierce, barbaric civilisation that lived from the 14th to 16th centuries in a place called Tenochtitlan, now referred to as the capital city of the Aztec Empire.

Monday, 18 January 2021

Learning the Tarot Cards: XIII – Death


The Major Arcana Deck: Death

Number XIII

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single-digit i.e. in this instance 13 = 1 + 3 = 4)


Logic, reason, spirit, truth
Choice - acceptance and expression
Measurement and grounding - foundation, structure, order, convention, calm authority, simplicity, stability, endurance


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Transformation - transition
Silence and retreat - renewal
Creation - life-changing events
Release - new beginnings
Endings - new cycles (new starts), new life emerging from old, letting go and moving on
Blessings in disguise

Tuesday, 12 January 2021

Learn About Crystals – ‘Power Beings’


Credit: photo by Dirk Toerien on Unsplash

A Guide to Understanding Crystals - Gems


Infused with The Light of the Universe 

Crystals are the Heart and Soul of the Earth

Backdrop – A Rich History

Since the dawn of time, dating back to the beginning of humankind and revered for thousands of years, crystals have attracted us. For as long as we have existed, it is fair to say that we have had an affinity with these precious stones.

The first historical references to these ‘power beings’ come from the ancient Sumerians, the oldest civilization known to us (between 4100-17050 BCE). They included crystals in magic formulas and rites.

Our ancestors intuitively knew that these gems 'energies’ interacted with the invisible and natural human electromagnetic field of force to bring about energetic changes. 

Throughout history, humankind has linked crystals with the sun, moon, planets and stars, including the zodiac signs.

In the past, the records tell us that crystals were sacred items, used as talismans and amulets, in burial rites, for divination practices, healing rituals, spiritual/magic advancement, and as decoration to signify power.


Mexico’s Giant Crystal Cave... Credit: science.howstuffworks.com


A tiny 4.4-billion-year-old crystal is the oldest fragment of Earth's crust.

Crystals were worn as jewellery as far back as the Stone Age, dating back as far as 2.5 million years ago.

Reference sources tell us the word crystal comes from the Ancient Greek word krustallos, meaning “ice,” “rock crystal,” and or “frozen” – icy cold.

Historically, crystals appear as ancient forms of medicine. Dated around 2000 BC, a hieroglyphic papyrus discovered in Ancient Egypt refers to a medical treatment that required crystals. They also believed in crystal healing and placed quartz crystal on the dead to help guide them safely in their journey through the underworld. Further, around the 11th century through to the Renaissance period, in Europe, several medical treatises mention crystals' in treating certain diseases.

Gems have inspired many a myth - for example, the legendary creator of the gemstone Amethyst. Bacchus, the God of Wine and conviviality, became angry because of a slight against him. Swearing revenge, Bacchus declared the first mortal to cross his path would be consumed by tigers. Simultaneously, a lovely maiden, Amethyst, was on her way to worship at the goddess Diana's shrine. Diana saw what was happening, and rescuing her from violent death, she turned Amethyst into stone. When Bacchus viewed the miracle, he repented and poured wine over the stone, staining it purple.

Crystals and other minerals were an integral part of Ancient Greece, which is why many stones used today, particularly in crystal healing, have a name with Grecian roots.

Jade has been considered sacred within the Chinese culture for thousands of years. 

A Native American Indian Legend refers to Indians dancing and rejoicing when the rain fell. Tears of joy mixed with the rain seeped deep into Mother Earth. The ‘tears' union with the rain became the stone we know as Turquoise - Turquoise symbolises life. 

‘Pounamu ‘– Greenstone. Credit: globalculture.com

Crystals were highly valued in Asia and South America's spiritual traditions and used by the tribes in Australia and New Zealand. The Maori people, natives of New Zealand, carried or wore Greenstone aka Pounamu Stone, as a talisman to bestow protection. They long believed it to be a stone of mystical vibration - a magical stone to promote long life and contact ancestors' spirit world.

In Ancient Mexico, Green Stone signified the deceased's heart and used in burials. Further, we find some of the largest crystal structures on earth in Mexico, in the crystal cave deep below the Naica Mountain in the Chihuahuan Desert.

To be continued - ‘Power Beings’ Crystal Creation, Crystals aren’t just rocks and minerals!

I hope you have enjoyed our little excursion to the world of crystals.

Until next time, stay safe and well.

Monday, 11 January 2021

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel – Birth Chart (Part Three)



Credit: Image from dummies.com

Astrology - A brief Backdrop 

A Science and Art

Over thousands of years, dating as far back as the Babylonian times around 3,000 BC, we have looked to the stars to make sense of our very existence, seeking answers to what is happening in our lives and why and for understanding the complexities of human nature.

The Babylonians, Ancient China, Ancient Egypt, Old India, Greeks, and Romans all used the stars as a calendar, compass, and way to measure something and or as a source of divine communication.

Astrologers believed the cosmos as having a supernatural, metaphysical, and divine essence that actively influences world events and personal lives. Put another way, the stars' position (planets) directly affect, if not determine, our personality and future.

So in effect, Astrology has played a significant role in creating the very foundation our world stands upon and has shaped our roots - our belief system and society today.

This is why Astrology is essential. It is viewed by many past and present as a great doorway to incredible knowledge to understand ourselves and live a successful and fulfilling life.

Thursday, 7 January 2021

News Review (Editor’s Choice) 2020 World News


Credit: Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

Looking Back


As we say farewell to 2020, here are just some of the significant events that have taken place over the year.

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Nature's World - The Shark



The Most Fearsome Predator (Ruler of the Ocean)

The Creature Most People Fear

Credit: Facts.net


Should we protect them? Are they Killing machines?

Summer, the time of year when once again, sharks hit the headlines - the subject of intense media focus and not without a great deal of controversy. Is it worthwhile giving sharks a second thought and gain a better understanding of their reason for ‘being’?

Misconceptions– How much do we know about sharks?

Monday, 4 January 2021

Learning the Tarot Cards: XII – The Hanged Man


The Major Arcana Deck: The Hanged Man

Number XII  

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single digit i.e. in this instance 12 = 1 + 2 = 3)


The object of creation (fruit of knowledge – following a higher calling)
The union of two parts to create a unique whole – incorporating duality 
Ascension - the birthing of true wisdom
Finding the right mix – growth and harmony (new perspective and balance)
Energy – to loosen the mind Advantage


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Spiritual Justice - insight and wisdom
Renewal, rebirth
Inner peace
Beginning and reasoning
Sacrifice for a higher cause
Reflection - Letting go, surrender, retreat, transition, growth and harmony
Waiting - temporary suspension of activity
Bright ideas

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