Monday, 15 February 2021

Learning the Tarot Cards: XV – The Devil


The Major Arcana Deck: The Devil

Number XV 

The system of numerology (inc. Tarot) reduces numbers to a single digit i.e. in this instance 15 = 1 + 5 = 6


Both a fragile and incalculable number

Fragile: Truth, union, lovers, equality, equilibrium, accord, growth, sensitivity, protection
Incalculable: Unfoldment – revelation, Integration, Interfacing, Conjoining, Dependability, Joining opposites, Communication


Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)





Card Meaning

Base nature (primal behaviour): Superficial, materialism (worldly focus and earthly desires) - ego, attachment, impulse, fears, addiction, oppression 
Vulnerability, temptation and overindulgence: Desire - passion, manipulation, deception, lust, sexuality
Enslavement: Stuck, held back, trapped, bound
Illusion: Negativity, imbalance, loss and disruption 

Key Symbols

Goat lust and sensual appetites
Fly a symbol of very primitive and base energy (lowest level)
Flame fire is a symbol of both creative and destructive power and a test of faith. In this instance, the flame serves as a symbol of hope that we can overcome objectionable urges and characteristics. The flame reflects no darkness, only an absence of light, and a lower energy level, which we can dispel
Pentagram reversed (five-pointed star inverted) means disharmony, unrest, and error (an often misrepresented sign, the symbol represents the co-existence of dark and light energy)


In many variations of tarot decks, within the devil card chains are also depicted, meaning restriction, bondage, conflict and slavery of passion

Overall, the Devil card symbols give a sense of being bound to habits, thoughts, beliefs, or behaviors that enslave us. The Devil is but a representation for living a base and substandard existence

Main Colours

Black represents the “still of the night” and the deep cold and tranquil waters – the deepest recesses of the unconscious mind 
Green, in this instance, related to health
Red is ‘fiery” and represents the element of fire. It incites passion, primal urges, action, pleasure, vibrance, radiance and acquisition or any intense desire of any sort, whether it is: excitement, audacity, energy, power, health, wealth or love


"External forces do not imprison me. I choose not to invest energy into feeding aspects of the unconscious mind. I have a choice. I do not give in to negativity or temptation. I am not a prisoner of fear, habits or other negative influences. I know the moment I stop believing in helplessness is the moment I am free. So I stand up and take steps to attract more positive energy."


The Devil Card has both positive and negative parts to it. It warns us about pitfalls to avoid. The devil card isn’t about evil - it’s about the balance between right/moral and wrong/immoral and feeling stuck, although freedom is possible if we really want it. When the Devil shows up, it represents our ego and the shadow aspect of us, the parts that are hidden and restrained. It urges us to break the bonds of attachment by confronting our fears and repressed desires. The Devil reflects our unconscious fears, beckoning us not to invest our energy in feeding the unhelpful aspects of our unconscious mind.
It conveys a message that we can overcome our inner demons. It is a signal that our inner fears are controlling us. It signifies obsessions, sexuality without love, and a sensation of being powerless.
When we pull the Devil card, it indicates we have got some serious examining to do. We need to consider who or what is in charge of our lives. Within the Devil card is a loud message, stating that we’re in danger of giving up our control to our base nature or that we have fallen to a level of functioning that is beneath us. It is time to face our fears. By facing our fears, we can put them into perspective and overcome them. It symbolises a call for the need to take control, think positively, and have faith in us.

The Devil is the Universe’s way of letting us know ego is not all bad. We all need our ego’s to function. It aids our understanding that ego is a problem only when we allow it to run through our thoughts unchecked.

We have a choice

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