Tuesday, 23 February 2021

Learn About Crystals – ‘Power Beings’


Credit: Image by Onboard Experience – Royal Caribbean International

A Guide to Understanding Crystals-Gems

For centuries, dating back to humankind, crystals have attracted us. We have revered them for thousands of years. These gemstones have incredible gifts and wisdom to share with us. Items of beauty, tools for healing, protection, attracting positive energy, and much more, crystals can enhance our lives.

A recap so far: A Backdrop - A Rich History and Interesting Points About Crystals (article one), Crystal Creation; How Do Crystals Work? And Crystal Purpose (article two) and Choosing A Crystal, Crystal Shapes and Crystal Protocol - Cleansing and Programming (article three).

Over the coming months, fortnightly, we will visit forty crystals, starting with Agate
‘checking-out’ their Energy Number, Properties, Purpose - Beneficial Attributes, Chakra Reference, Astrological Synergy and Colour. 



Large Blue Lace Agate Slice. Credit: newmoonbeginnings.com

Energy (vibration) number: The energy number for Agate is seven (7). Agate’s soothing light is both calming and energising

Notable Properties include: Balancing yin/yang energy, protection, healing, calming, courage, good luck charm

Purpose (Beneficial Attributes):


The Agate stone is an excellent stone for rebalancing and harmonising mind, body and spirit. Agate strengthens the body and our body’s connection to the Earth. Further, it removes and transforms negativity. This gemstone is superb for inducing creativity and strengthening intelligence. A great crystal for increasing mental function, Agate improves concentration, perception and analytical abilities. One of the most potent luck stones, Agate, is a beautiful good luck charm. Agate increases energy, but because it is a grounding stone, it does not increase energy all the time. Rather Agate enables bursts of energy as needed. In this way, Agate enhances longevity

Metaphysical and Healing

In essence, this depends to some extent on the colour of the Agate. However, all agates have generic qualities in common (as described herein). In particular, the Agate Stone enriches healing of all kinds as it brings the healer elements into harmony. Agate is a great choice for the well-being


A crystal for valor, Agate promotes emotional strength and self-confidence. It can also dispel fear and helps to assist with accepting all things, in particular, lessen feelings of envy. Agate is very beneficial for self-examination and examination. All these qualities described make Agate a superior stone for easing anxiety and stress


Agate is beneficial for stomach troubles, tooth and gum problems, insomnia, and physical endurance


Acceptance of one’s-self


A stone of marital and romantic fidelity

Wear/Carry Agate

A very protective stone. Specifically protective of kids. Agate is an excellent stone for children’s amulets, medicine bags, jewellery, or to carry around in a pocket

Chakra reference

All Chakras – all agates can remove blockages from any Chakra. Depending on the stone colour, it can also relate to certain Chakras

Astrological Synergy (Zodiac)


Fire Agate Polished Tumblestone Healing Crystals. Credit: thepsychictree.co.uk

Specific Colour


As discussed, there are different colour Agates, all having generic qualities, and each with their additional (specific individual enhanced property), which makes it somewhat difficult to cover the entire range. Therefore, at this time, described below, we cover only the three most popular types (inc. their colour and briefly their main qualities).

Blue Lace Agate 


Pale blue with white or darker lines

Particularly energy characteristics: 

One of the excellent fostering and supportive crystals. 
Activates and heals the Throat Chakra 
Neutralises anger, infection, inflammation and fever
Counteracts repression and suppression of feelings
Mentally it counteracts mental stress
In communication, it assists with verbal expression of thoughts and feelings

Healing Powers:

It includes releasing shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, throat and lymph infections, lowers fevers, removes blockages of the nervous system, treats arthritic and bone deformity, strengthens the skeletal system and heals fractures. Further, it can aid capillaries and the Pancras as well as sound hearing. As a medicinal solution, it treats the brain fluid imbalances

Fire Agate 


Brownish red, orange, blue, green 

Particularly energy characteristics:

Possesses a deep connection to the Earth 
Calming, Fire Agate brings security and safety, has strong grounding powers and protective purpose - it builds a protective shield around the body. Incredibly supportive during a difficult time
Physically aids sexual endeavours
Sparks the Base Chakra and stimulates on all levels
Encourages self-examination, effortlessly bringing up internal problems for resolution

Healing Powers:

It includes healing the stomach, the nervous system and glands and organs that make hormones, circulatory disorders, aids eye vision, restoring vitality into the body, preventing energy burn out, eliminating cravings and destructive desires, and treating addictions. Spiritually: aids relaxation, enhances meditation, and inspires spiritual endurance 

Natural Rough Moss Agate Stone Crystal Mineral Specimen Taw Rock Lapidary. Credit: Pinterest (ebay.us)

Moss Agate


Green, blue, red, yellow, brown

Particularly energy characteristics:

Refreshes the Soul and a highly optimistic stone
Reduces sensitivity to ecological and weather contaminants
A birthing crystal Moss Agate lessens pain and assists a good delivery
A stone of new beginnings it releases from blockages
Balances the Heart Chakra
Associated with wealth and attracting abundance
Acts with dual-purpose helping intellectuals access intuitive feelings and inversely intuitive individuals to channel their energies in practical ways.

Healing Powers:

It includes speeding up health recovery, counteracting long-term illness, acting as an anti-inflammatory, cleansing the circulatory systems, and encouraging lymph flow. Further, it boosts the immune system, eradicates left-right brain imbalance-depression, prevents glucose deficiency in the bloodstream and dehydration, treats infections and colds and flu, and lowers fevers. Psychologically, it improves self-esteem, improves positive personality traits, releases fear and deep-rooted stress and helps develop strength. Further, it aids the ability to get along with others, encourages expanding one’s personal space and growth, strengthens and inspires new ideas after a lethargy period. Mentally: promotes self-expression and communication, balances the emotions, reduces stress, lessens fear, and encourages hope and trust. As a medicinal solution, when applied to the skin treats fungal and skin infection


Agate belongs to the quartz family.
Found in many different countries, Agate is an easy crystal for anyone to work with

Agate works by connecting us with the gentle vibrations of the Earth; therefore, it is an excellent stone for beginners to start their first collection 

Stay tuned; in our next discussion on crystals, we will be exploring Amber’s unique qualities. In the meantime, cheers for now.

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