Monday, 14 December 2020

Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel – Birth Chart (Part Two)




The Core Aspects in Astrology

As mentioned, the horoscope houses are closer to the earth plane experience and refer to the more material or tangible experience. They represent experiences actualised through the material realm, showing us an arena of life where we will experience a particular urge and expression style. Each house represents something distinctive (see below).

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The Houses to date, a brief recap:

The First House - Deals with our general make-up. In other words, our personality.

The Second House - Reigns over our possessions, what we have in the material sense.

The Third House - Represents our close relatives, particularly our siblings, affects our lives by proximity and association with brief trips and associated transportation.

The Fourth House - Rules our home base and mother and our real estate and property concerns, domestic issues, private life, and family in general.

The Fifth House - Domain is our creativity and rules our inner child, hobbies, leisure - play, and recreation (all forms of entertainment, including financial speculation).

The Sixth House - Governs work, and our attitude towards diet and health as well as our relation to older relatives, small animals, clothing and the weather

The Seventh House - Presides over what other people send out to us based on what we send out, committed relationships, contracts, legal obligations and lawsuits.

The Eight House - Rules our sex, sexual intimacy, lifestyle changes, death, surgery, inheritances, mysteries, magic, secrets and ulterior motives.

The Ninth House - Reigns over the development of the mind (higher learning), life philosophies, our belief system, the domain of the great outdoors (travel, sports etc.) and finally, issues relating to the judicial system.

The Tenth House - Deals with our primary career goals, our attitude towards us and or others in a role of authority, traditional institutions, government and political aims (the ‘public eye’), and our father's relations.

To complete Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel – Birth Chart (Part Two), The Horoscope Houses Aspects, we visit the last two Houses, the Eleventh and Tenth House.


Traditionally friendships (not those considered to be best friends) belong to this house. Friendships in the eleventh house relate to a kind of "karmic alliance," relationships that form to evolve both parties, based on past life issues together.

The eleventh house is the ruler of our hopes and wishes. Also, groups of people in general, especially those with a common bond or goal, are found in this house.

This is the house of ingenious ideas and new inventions. Therefore, other areas the eleventh house deals with are Science, technology, computers, airplanes - all things that represent either ideas ahead of humanity's times or progress. Hence, some of these new ideas upset long held traditional viewpoints, so this is the revolutionary house.

The eleventh house corresponds to Aquarius, and so any planets in this house function with some underlying flair of Aquarius.

Aligned to Saturn, in addition to other influences at play, usually minor (see the tenth house), the eleventh house also mainly represents bizarre circumstances, being or feeling different from the "norm" and rebelliousness, as well as related to unexpected events.


The twelfth house denotes life areas that tend to place us away from the rest of society for reasons behind the scene or hidden from view. Astrologers often refer to this as the house of large public institutions (i.e., monasteries, hospitals, prisons, asylums etc.)

Hidden enemies are in the twelfth house as opposed to the open opposition in the seventh house.

Traditionally this is the house of suffering and self-undoing (inc. avoidance syndrome). Planets in this house may represent something that we either don't have a clear view of or don't want a clear view. Our edges of reality become blurred, allowing us to exist in the ideal scenario that we create on the mental plane. Or, in other cases, where there is a pattern or likelihood of using addictive substances or self-indulgent habits to escape unpleasant realities momentarily. However, we know we never eliminate the source of pain.

I like to refer to this as the house of "universal consciousness and enlightenment - the house of spiritual inspiration, cosmic realisation and illumination. Dissolved are Religious doctrine along with the boundaries that separate us from other dimensions. Intuitive channeling and extraordinary healing are higher potentials found in the twelfth house.

The twelfth house corresponds to Pisces, and so any planets in this house function with some underlying flair of Pisces

Linked to Jupiter, in addition to other qualities (usually minor), the twelve house also represents the influence of past lives, forgiveness, atonement and mysterious disappearances.


Before concluding our series of articles on the Houses, I feel it appropriate to point out that it is not uncommon to find in a Natal Wheel (Birth Chart) that any planets do not occupy a House at the time of birth (Empty House).

What Empty Houses Stand For

In simple terms, in Astrology, the lack of planets in a house indicates the subject area represented is not of concern. It is a region of relative contentment. Essentially, this area of our life does not require our full attention and, if all, in this lifetime.

Having touched upon the essential information required to gain a basic understanding of the Houses, this concludes Astrology Part II (Part Two).

Join me in 2021 when we drop in on The Planet Aspects under Astrology II: The Horoscope Natal Wheel – Birth Chart (Part Three).

Until then, have a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year.

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