Sunday, 25 October 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: VIII - Strength


The Major Arcana Deck: Strength

Number VIII 
Infinity, rhythm, balance
Justice, perfect intelligence
Peace, understanding, strength, and regeneration
Health and wealth

Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents key time)


The Sun

Card Meaning
Inner strength, discipline -control, compassion, endurance, persistence
Poise, benevolence, tolerance, discretion
Well balanced body and mind - Rhythm, balance, peace (mental and physical, strength, health)
Steadiness, Achievement

Key Symbols

Figure 8 infinity (the cosmic of eternal life)
Chain of roses (flowers) union of divine and heart of compassion
Laurel wreath connection with nature, freedom of the soul, triumph
Lion noble character, passion, strength, fire, intuition, ego, inner-self
White gown purity, understanding, honesty, integrity
Left-arm mental effortRight arm physical effort, and balance
Bright sunny lush environment (palms/trees, etc.) richness, prosperity, productivity-yield, calm and confident energy (vitality), and life itself-the evolution of experience and awareness
Mountains quest for truth and ascent to a higher sphere of existence (high-elevated intellect)


Green nature, good fortune, renewal, and harmony
Yellow/Orange (yellow adaptiveness, creativity, intellectual balance),  (orange - happiness success, passionate approach)
Blue balanced spiritual understanding
Red fire, passion, acquisition (courage, strength, health, energy, love, prosperity)
White balance, purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds, the highest spirituality and purity of motive

Affirmation: I possess the strength of character. I gently change all resistance with kindness and compassion. I do not rush things or be hasty. I keep solid minded to conquer all obstacles and let nothing keep me from my objective. 

"I use my strength and belief in me to discover my purpose"

Strength generally appears in a reading when we are fighting something (most likely within us). So we need to exert self-control and patience when our peace is tested and use mind over matter. Remain calm - to believe in our inner strength when facing a challenge. If we are brave, trust our capabilities, and utilise the maximum capacity of our aptitudes and encounters, we will discover the energy we require to achieve our objectives.

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