Sunday, 16 August 2020

Natures Way

Well Being

Oils extracted from plant leaves, flowers, stems, roots, or bark have been with us for thousands of years and down the ages used successfully in various civilisations for medicinal and health purposes.

Over time and time again these compounds ‘golden nectars’ extracted from plants have proven themselves to be invaluable antidotes possessing amazing healing properties.

Remarkable oils, more commonly referred to as Essential oils, offer up natural and healthy solutions, acting as genuine medicine without any side effects. Is it any wonder that they have rapidly grown in popularity!

When used appropriately there can be little doubt that they are incredible ‘helpers’ for use in our everyday life - assisting us in looking after our wellbeing and to live a healthy life.

Because the uses for essential oils for medical and health purposes are vast and diverse, below I have provided my list of just some of the various ways we can take advantage of these extraordinary magical compounds.

The 40 40 AA List (Ailments and Antidotes)

Suggested remedies for basic ailments that we may encounter in everyday life…at any time

Allergies (Itchy Eyes and throat): For relief rub Frankincense and Lavender on your palms and inhale deeply.
Arthritis: For relief, mix two drops of Wintergreen, Cypress, and Lemongrass into an unscented lotion. Massage into affected areas.

Back and neck pain: To reduce pain, combine Peppermint, Cypress, and Ginger oils with Cayenne Pepper and Coconut oil for a relieving muscle rub.
Blistered skin: To heal, mix two drops of Tea Tree oil with two drops of unscented oil and apply to the blistered area up to five times per day.
Body (Achy): As a relaxation massage therapy, use a few drops of Cedarwood or Lavender oil, mixed with an unscented lotion during a relaxation massage - you will almost feel like new again!
Body (Tired): For a detox bath, mix Lavender oil, Epsom salts, and Sea Salt to a warm bath to cleanse and rejuvenate the body.
Bronchitis and asthma: Make a homemade vapour rub by combining Eucalyptus, Peppermint, and Coconut oil. Rub on your chest and neck.
Broken bones: To support the healing of broken bones, apply Helichrysum, Fir, and Cypress essential oils.
Bruises: Use essential oils as a hot compress to treat bruises or other wounds. Add 4-5 drops of Lavender and 4-5 drops of Frankincense to 3-4 ounces of hot water and soak. Apply to the affected area.
Bug bite: Use Lavender oil to soothe bug bites and stings.
Burns: Mix lavender oil with Aloe Vera to treat burns.

Child (distressed): To calm and help soothe a child, add Lavender or Chamomile to their stuffed animals – works a treat mum.
Circulation: To aid poor circulation, add 8-10 drops of Grapefruit essential oil to warm bathwater.
Cold: To kick a cold fast take three drops of oil of Oregano and Frankincense 2-3 times daily for one week.
Concentration: To increase poor concentration inhale Bergamot, Grapefruit, or Peppermint oil during the day.
Cough or sinusitis: Eucalyptus oil is known for its powerful ability to fight coughs and open airways. Add a few drops into steaming hot water or diffuser. Inhale to help clear nasal passage.
Cuts and Scrapes: Dilute a few drops of Tea Tree oil in water and apply daily (extremely important to dilute as it is a potent oil and can burn).
Cut (infected and or swelling): Lavender (also helps to reduce scarring) and Myrrh are renowned for having antibacterial and healing properties. Lavender - it is best to add 1-2 drops with Aloe Vera or Coconut oil before applying to the skin (alternatively add 1-2 drops directly to the wound). If possible gently massage the oil into the affected area with a clean cotton ball. Myrrh - it is best to dilute with a carrier oil i.e. Jojoba before applying to the skin. Once again if possible gently massage the oil into the affected area with a clean cotton ball. Note: Myrrh does have some side effects that need to be considered before using it therapeutically. As always, it is best to speak to your doctor or trusted health care provider first. Avoid if the skin is sensitive, pregnant and or if suffering from heart condition or diabetes

Depression: To combat depression, boost mood and relieve depression, add Rose oil to baths, inhalations, and diffusers to improve mood.
Digestion: To aid weak or bad digestion take Ginger oil, Peppermint oil, and Fennel essential oil to improve.

Eczema and psoriasis cream: To treat and ease eczema, psoriasis, or red dry skin, apply a cream made of a mixture of Lavender essential oil with Shea butter.

Fatigue: To balance energy level and energize inhale Peppermint oil.
Feet: Add 10 drops of Peppermint oil with 2 teaspoons of Epson salt and add to a warm-water foot bath to soothe sore feet, alternatively add a few drops of Lemon or Eucalyptus oil to a large bowl of warm water.
Fever: To reduce, add 1-3 drops of Eucalyptus, Peppermint and Lavender to a cool face cloth and sponge the body.
Food cravings: Inhale Peppermint and Cinnamon oil to reduce your appetite and balance blood sugar level.

Hangover: For relief, add around 5-6 drops each of Juniper Berry, Cedarwood, Grapefruit, Lavender, Rosemary, and Lemon oil into a warm bath.
Head lice: As a cure, mix three drops of Thyme, Lavender, and Eucalyptus oil with unscented oil and apply to scalp. Cover head with a shower cap and leave on for 30 minutes approx. and shampoo out.

Immune system (low): To boost, mix 1 drop of Oregano oil with 4 drops of carrier oil and rub on the bottom of your feet.

Migraine headache relief: Try combining 4-5 drops of Lavender oil and Peppermint oil and apply to temples to help with headaches and migraines.
Morning sickness caused by pregnancy: To reduce add 4-5 drops of Wild Orange, Lemon or Ginger oil to a handkerchief and inhale.
Motion sickness: Use peppermint, lavender, and ginger oil to reduce motion sickness.
Muscle (achy): Rub a mixture of Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, and Cypress with an unscented lotion or coconut oil and apply to area/s.

Over-Weight: To help weight loss, combine Grapefruit, Ginger, and Cinnamon oil and take as a supplement 2-3 times daily to support metabolism.

PMS: For relief, mix 2-3 drops of Sage, Basil, and Rosemary, then apply to a warm, moist hand towel and apply it to the abdomen.

Ringworm: Combine 3-4 drops of Tea Tree oil with coconut oil and massage over the affected area twice daily.

Sleep:  Lavender oil can alleviate insomnia. Sprinkle a few drops on your pillow to help you fall asleep. Also, a good remedy, if experiencing trouble sleeping, is mint chocolate cocoa (add 2-3 drops of peppermint oil to hot cocoa for instant minty chocolate- delightful on the palate).
Stress: Apply 3-4 drops of Chamomile, Lavender, and Peppermint essential oil to your temples for a cooling effect and instant relaxation.
Sunburn: To soothe and reduce swelling and pain combine Lavender and or Chamomile oil with 2 teaspoons of Coconut oil and apply to the skin with a cotton bud.

Teeth grinding: Massage 1-3 drops of Lavender on the bottom of the feet and behind ears before bed to reduce grinding.
Tension: Help to relieve anxiety by using a single drop of Lavender oil on your hands, rub together, and cup your hands to your nose and let the smell flood your senses.

I hope my little 40 40 AA List (Ailments and Antidotes) will prove useful in helping everyone out there to avoid ill health (where possible), ward off ‘lurgies’, and other ailments. On behalf of my friends and me, all I can say is “we have certainly found it to be practical and very beneficial” - so please feel free to exploit it to the fullest!

In signing off on his article - I wish you ‘every bit of’ Health and Wellness…


The information provided herein is general and intended to help readers be better-informed consumers of health care. The information provided does not replace, and or form any part of medical consultation. It is not intended to substitute medical advice of a licensed physician. It is presented as general advice on health care only and it is recommended that readers should consult their doctor and when and where appropriate a qualified health practitioner and or authority (i.e. aromatherapist) in all matters relating to their health. The user uses the information at her/his discretion.

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