Sunday, 30 August 2020

The Heart of the Tarot: Part One

In the Language of Tarot...

I am the body of knowledge, 
     of long ago. 
Tales of worlds, I tell, 
     from far and wide. 

Listen carefully, 
     delicately I speak. 

I talk in symbols, 
     with much to say. 

I am witness to time, 
     ideas, objects and values. 
Of five worlds, I belong, 
     five cohorts keep me strong. 

Bound, I impart, 
     stories plentiful. 
Be patient, endure, 
     wisdom, shall be.
So it is

Sunday, 23 August 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: IV - The Emperor

The Major Arcana Deck:  The Emperor

Number IV
Reasoning (acceptance, measurement) 
Spirit (expression)

Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents a key time)


Mars (dynamic)

Card Meaning
Power (leadership, control, authority)
Discipline (reasoning)

Key Symbols

(highest faculty - highest attainment of man in the spiritual evolution)
Eagle (immortality, superior forces of nature)
Mountains - steep (elevated intellect)
Red Robe (power of choice, self-conscious awareness)
Sceptre (authority, triumph, success)
Sword (air, intellect, mind, divine law of the universe - true and just)
Throne (power, strength, support)


(balanced spiritual understanding)
Brown (material plane)
Gold (“cosmic mind” - universal wisdom, understanding, intuitive abilities)
Orange (vitality, success, passionate approach)
Red (element-fire, passion, acquisition-desire of any kind)
White (purity, truth, sincerity, virtue of all kinds,
highest spirituality)

Yellow (element-air, mental-intellect, imagination-creativity,
skill, balance)

Affirmation:  I stand firm and lead by example

“I have the tools and ability - I am a leader”

The Emperor often appears in a reading when at the point where
we need to assume control or will be given a position of responsibility
(strong foundations are in place) and as we lead to be mindful…to act
correctly with the best exertion - the need to convey structure,
concentrate, focus and control the mind

Sunday, 16 August 2020

Natures Way

Well Being

Oils extracted from plant leaves, flowers, stems, roots, or bark have been with us for thousands of years and down the ages used successfully in various civilisations for medicinal and health purposes.

Over time and time again these compounds ‘golden nectars’ extracted from plants have proven themselves to be invaluable antidotes possessing amazing healing properties.

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: III - The Empress

The Major Arcana Deck:  The Empress

Number III

Arcana: Major deck (signals cycle in life and represents a key time)


Venus (harmony, beauty and union)

Card Meaning 
Comfort, protection
Mother (Birth)
Luxury (material gain, productive environment)

Sunday, 2 August 2020

An Introduction to Numerology

The Principle Behind Numerology


Ancient History - dating back thousands of years

Numbers are mankind’s oldest symbols, fundamental to measurement and abstract ideas.  Numbers are more practical than words and are everywhere we look.

Pythagoras, the Greek mathematician, and philosopher who lived from 569-47B.C. is said by many to be the Father, the originator of much of what we call Numerology today.  Pythagoras believed the world to be built upon the power of numbers.  He based this on the broader concept that the entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns, and all things can be expressed in numbers that correspond to Universal Vibrations.  He reasoned that the entire universe could be expressed numerically, creating a transcendent system.

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