Saturday, 20 June 2020


Earth’s Secret Wisdom Keepers and Healers

Being a lover of nature and a terrible romantic in this article I introduce the Lovely World of Crystals through the Eyes of the Beautiful Rose Quartz (Characteristics).

Our fascination with crystals has been with us since the dawn of time.  Revered for decades they share incredible gifts and wisdom.  Born in the darkness of the Earth and infused with the light of the Universe crystals represent perfect duality. 

These interesting gems take on strange and wonderful looking forms naturally, have life energy of their own and come in many different forms sizes and shapes.

Natural beauties, in the past they have been valued as sacred items and known for balancing or amplifying energy fields. Nowadays however we use them more commonly for decoration, good luck charms, jewellery and as tools for healing - protecting and attracting positive energy.

In short, crystals can be used around the house as ornaments, and tools for meditation, divination and self development.

Truly nature’s wonders, their shape, colour and sparkle will always fascinate…speaking for myself, I certainly have fallen under their spell, and don’t mind admitting to being one of their besotted admirers.

Whether we are curious and want to learn more about crystals or interested in Crystal Healing, Geology or just want to own a beautiful, natural and unique item there can be little doubt that crystals can bring joy into our lives and help to enhance our well-being.


Characteristics of The Rose Quartz


The Stone of Universal Love

The ‘Love Stone’:  Rose Quartz is the most powerful and magical of all stones for encouraging unconditional love in all forms and faces - in virtually any situation (i.e. Self-love, family love, platonic love and romantic love). 

Specific Colour:  The most common is Rose Pink.

Planet and Element:  Venus.  Earth and Water.

Generic qualities:  Restores trust and harmony in a relationship and purifies - opens the heart at all levels to promote love, self-love, friendship, deep inner healing and feelings of peace. 

Energy (Vibration) number 7:  Powerful Healing - Renewal and Compassion, Soothing and Calming and Spiritual (Inner wisdom).

Properties (Power and Strength):  Enhancing love, lowering stress and removing fears, resentments and anger.

Purpose:  Emotionally Rose Quartz brings gentleness, forgiveness, compassion, kindness, and tolerance.  It raises one’s self-esteem and sense of self-worth.  It helps balance emotions and heals emotional wounds and trauma, even grief - bringing peace and calm.  Also used as a Spiritual aid - in dream work, to attract love, heal and release childhood traumas, overcome neglect and lack of love (in part by enhancing inner awareness) and to help reconcile with family and others.

Beneficial physical attributes:   Benefits the heart, the circulatory system, fertility, headaches, kidney disease, migraines, sexual dysfunction, sinus problems, throat problems, depression, addictions, earaches, slow signs of ageing in general, reduces wrinkles, spleen problems and reaching one’s ideal weight-weight loss.  Also helpful and protective during pregnancy and childbirth and supporting brain functions, including increasing intellect.

Benefits of Wearing Rose Quartz:  Healing - emotions, including heartache, paranoia, self-pity, possessiveness, control, fear, anger, resentment and ease overwhelming guilt…to balance one’s emotions and replace them with feelings of self-acceptance, gratitude, trust, and confidence.

Chakra Reference:  Opening the Heart.

Astrological Synergy: Linked to Taurus and Libra.

In closing, I leave it to the words of the many to have the final say “the Rose Quartz Crystal is a prestigious gem with a reputation for attracting love and worthy of relishing in its beauty, ambience and magic - delightful”.

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