Sunday, 28 June 2020

Book Launch

Buddha’s Heart 

A Breathtaking Journey of Enlightenment

I lived, died, and live - I am not a God, just an ordinary man…the Truth he revealed influences every corner of our world today. 

‘Going with refuge to the Buddha’.  A powerful message found inside that tells each of us that we have the wisdom, awareness, love, and power of the Buddha within.  His teachings are as refreshingly relevant now as they were when first introduced. Compelling, Gripping and Spellbinding.

A no-nonsense story, of struggle, surrender, and triumph.  ‘Walking With Shakyamuni Buddha’ (Siddhartha Gautama) is captivating and inspiring - leading us closer to understanding the true nature of life and ourselves.  It lights up the pathway to one of the most practical and modest belief systems of our time that have greatly helped me and can help you to become a better person in every aspect possible.  A true book for Self-Discovery and Having a Balanced and Peaceful Life.

Buddha Quote “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think.  When the mind is pure, joy follows like a shadow that never leaves”.

Saturday, 20 June 2020


Earth’s Secret Wisdom Keepers and Healers

Being a lover of nature and a terrible romantic in this article I introduce the Lovely World of Crystals through the Eyes of the Beautiful Rose Quartz (Characteristics).

Our fascination with crystals has been with us since the dawn of time.  Revered for decades they share incredible gifts and wisdom.  Born in the darkness of the Earth and infused with the light of the Universe crystals represent perfect duality. 

These interesting gems take on strange and wonderful looking forms naturally, have life energy of their own and come in many different forms sizes and shapes.

Tuesday, 16 June 2020

Learning the Tarot Cards: O - The Fool

      The Major Arcana Deck:  The Fool

Number (O):             Limitless

                                        Pure Energy


Arcana:                       Major deck (signals cycle in life and
                                        represents a key time)


Element:                    Air      


Planet:                        Uranus (Potential)


Card Meaning:        New Beginning



Quote of the Week - Life

Monday, 15 June 2020

Tarot an Inquisition

Opening a curious picture book of symbolism, that is believed to cross the boundaries of time.

 Living Tarot

I make no apology that I am an ardent believer in the power of the Tarot!  But this has not always been the case.  If someone had said to me years back that I would become a Tarot reader, I would have said “you are completely off your rocker”.  Today ‘I eat my words’.

My personal ‘slant’ - Much more than ‘meets the eye’.

When I first encountered the Tarot (Cards) I was certainly a non-believer. 

Brought up as a Christian I must confess at first I was also a little scared of them, thinking of them as ‘sinful’.   Although hesitant, having a somewhat dare devilish character, my curiosity got the better of me. 

This is how it all began

Hi and Welcome to my first Blog Post

My name is Moana Grace and I wanted to start by telling you my short story, why I created The Realm of Trinity Blog, and what you will be seeing in my posts.

“Why not start a blog?!”

Up until recently, I didn’t truly understand what a “blog” was.  Coming from the ‘baby boomer age’, being somewhat computer shy and lacking self-confidence thinking that it was totally beyond me, I kept talking myself out of it.

However, having started my new business ‘Realm of Trinity’, including soon to be author ‘Walking With Buddha’ and the constant support of one of my closest friends, I have finally come to realise all of the benefits that blogging can bring.  Yes! I am now…completely consumed with inspiration for my blog.

A little about me... 

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